Bergmann, Dr. Emmy Mirjam (born Gruenwald)

Dr. Emmy Mirjam Bergmann (née Gruenwald) was born on 15.9.1887 in Germany and died on 25.3.1972 in Israel. She was a pediatrician, and between 1915 and 1922, she worked in a private clinic, in a nursery school and later in a school in Berlin. She had trained with Dr. Langstein on the subject of childhood diseases, and she later researched and published papers on causes of infant mortality. Emmy incorporated a pedagogical approach in her medical work. In 1923, she studied Montessori educational methods and in 1925, she studied education in Frankfurt. Between 1925 and 1933, she led a Montessori kindergarten and school in Freiburg and published works about the Montessori educational approach. In 1935 she immigrated to Palestine. Emmy wanted to continue to work in the fields of education, social hygiene and medicine. She was trained in pedagogy at Ben Shemen, Mishmar HaEmek and Meir Shfeya youth villages.
Archival Materials
CZA (J1\31573)